“Garden Gate has taught me that its OK to say no and set healthy boundaries”
CALL: (800) 342-8168
The Mission of Unison Behavioral Health is to empower our clients by providing quality, accessible and cost-effective services based on their individual strengths, needs, abilities and preferences.
Request should be emailed to medicalrecords@unisonbh.com
Contact: Kimberly Drawdy, Records Clerk
Phone – 912-449-7126
If you need more information regarding scheduled board meetings, please contact Angie Mock at 912-449-7101
“Garden Gate has taught me that its OK to say no and set healthy boundaries”
“You know…I love the program, they helped me find my job that I love. I love Lena and Ms. Janice, they are a real big help. I love the people that I work with at Flash Foods, they are all real nice to me.”
Ronnie, Supportive Employment Client
empowering people to improve the quality of their lives.
Unison Behavioral Health is a leading provider of mental health, substance abuse and developmental disability services in southeast Georgia, serving residents in Atkinson, Bacon, Brantley, Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Pierce, and Ware Counties. Unison Behavioral Health is not affiliated with the Unison Behavioral Health Group of Ohio.
Need Help Now? Call: (800) 342-8168
Unison Behavioral Health