Unison Behavioral Health hosted a Recovery Celebration on Saturday, September 14th at the Trembling Earth Recreation Complex with more than 30 exhibitors and over 250 attendees. Volunteers made up of past and present clients of Unison distributed over 300 free hotdogs and drinks. The event started out with the National Anthem sang by Waycross Middle School 8th grader Amiyah Elam, followed by a Proclamation given by Mayor John Knox proclaiming the month of September Recovery Month in the city of Waycross. Johnny Mitcham of Destination Church served as the event emcee as also performed 2 original songs. The drama team from Remnant Church gave a touching performance about recovery, and the clients of Unison’s Garden Gate program for women performed a puppet show. A small award ceremony was held at the event, naming several Unison clients “Recovery Champions.” Speakers gave recovery testimonies and spoke about lengths of recovery. There were bounce houses and crafts for kids and the Waycross Fire Dept. brought a fire truck for kids to learn about fire safety – it was truly an event for the entire family! Unison would like to thank everyone who participated in the event, as well as the sponsors: Behavioral Health Link, Bethesda Recovery, Pepsi, and Coca Cola. We are looking forward to an even bigger event next year!

People at Event
People at Event

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