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At Unison, our services bring well-being to individuals and families whose lives have been impacted by mental illness, addictive disease and developmental disabilities. Whether it’s someone needing help with depression or substance abuse, or a person with an intellectual disability needing help finding a job or a place to live, Unison has a long history serving people of all ages, races and income levels. By helping persons overcome obstacles to reach their full potential, we’re building stronger lives and healthier communities. In support of our life-changing programs in southeast Georgia, Unison relies on the generous donations of individuals, foundations, corporations, and organizations. Your donation makes it possible for us to continue to provide timely, accessible, high quality services to individuals, children, and their families. Donations of any amount are appreciated! Our flexible giving program allows you to set your own amount and designate where you want the donation directed. Gifts may be given in honor or in memory of someone. When making a tribute or memorial donation, please be sure to include this information with your donation.

Gifts By Check

You can mail a check directly to:
Development Office Unison Behavioral Health PO Box 1397 Waycross, GA 31502 If you wish, you may download this form to accompany your check or you may simply include a note indicating how you wish your donation to be used. Please feel free to contact our development office directly should you have questions about supporting Unison Behavioral Health. For more information contact Laura Davis at (912) 449-7139 or email her directly at for more information. Unison Behavioral Health is a public agency created by state law for nonprofit and public purposes pertaining to the delivery of disability services. Gifts to Unison Behavioral Health are eligible to be claimed as tax deductions for federal and state income tax purposes just as gifts to the State or local public schools are eligible deductions.

Thank you for supporting persons and communities served by Unison’s programs!