Lowell Williamson has served on the Unison Board of Directors representing Pierce County since 2006. He was appointed as Unison Board Vice Chair in 2008 and in 2009 became the Chairman. He has fulfilled the role as Unison’s Board representative on the GACSB (Georgia Association of Community Service Boards) since 2008 and served as the President of the GACSB from 2013-2015. Unison’s Senior Management Team and the Board of Directors recently expressed their appreciation for Lowell‘s faithful service throughout the years following his announcement of resigning from his seat with sixteen years of service. “Lowell has been an exemplary board member with his unwavering support of Unison and those we serve. His devotion to advocating for the mission of Community Service Boards is reflective in his years of service and leadership at the local and state level.” Tiffany Henderson (Unison CEO)
Tiffany Henderson, Unison CEO
Lowell Williamson
Angie Mock, Unison Executive Assistant